Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to get an “F” in Social Media

Most companies — and most marketers and advertising professionals, for that matter — have failed to harness the full power of social media.

From the beginning, the Internet’s greatest gift has been its ability to empower. Sure, the Web is a global source of information and transaction that’s available any time, day or night. But the Internet’s chief appeal has always been it’s ability to give an individual a voice that can reach a mass audience.

Before the Internet, the individual was silenced. Only those with a large enough budget to buy into TV, radio, billboards, etc., could have their voices heard on a large scale. But now…

Just look at how the Internet has evolved. Back in the mid-90s, you had to spend a pretty penny to secure a URL and hire a Web developer. In time, Web templates became available — cheap, at first, then eventually free. Next came free blogger accounts (and we saw how that spread like wildfire). Now, social media platforms, which represent the highest evolution of the Internet thus far. Why? Because they a) work to connect individuals with audiences (something Websites and blogs don’t do), and b) help people communicate almost effortlessly (it’s a lot easier to throw a brainfart or a photo on your Facebook page than it is to construct a thoughtful, coherent blog post).

The Internet has flourished because it gives people a means to get their voices heard. Social media represents the full extension of the Web’s best inherent quality.

Businesses need to start realizing that leveraging social media means more than merely having Facebook and Twitter accounts and blasting unilateral messages. It means recognizing the customer’s need to TALK, to have his/her voice heard.

The trick, then, is getting the customer to talk about YOUR BUSINESS.

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